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2022..."ecocide" | shift gallery | seattle

2018…”transmissions” | shift gallery | seattle

2017…”meta memory” | shift gallery | seattle

2016…”transcend traverse” | shift gallery | seattle

2016…”then and now” | shift gallery | seattle

2015…”nano systems” | shift gallery | seattle

2015…”Cross Pollination” | shift gallery | seattle

2012…“the satellites winding within” | Johnson architecture | seattle

2011…“the satellites winding within” | miro tea ballard | seattle

2011…“these atoms hold us and we concede II” | verite coffee | seattle

2010…“these atoms hold us and we concede” | fremont abbey art center | seattle

2010…“enhanced humans” | bria | seattle

2009…“future swell” | occidental 108 | seattle, washington

2007…“technology: pursuing the dialectical image” | copeland gallery | bozeman

2006…“when people are reduced to symbols” | weaver gallery | bozeman, montana

2005…hatch film festival | video installation | bozeman, montana

2004…“inspiration: mars” | exit gallery | bozeman, Montana



2022..."shift gallery | seattle art fair | seattle

2021 “lost and found” | shift gallery | seattle

2019..."mixed media" | robert graves gallery | wenatchee

2019..."copyright bandits" | collapse gallery | wenatchee

2018…”shift gallery” | seattle art fair | seattle

2018…”shift invitational” | shift gallery | seattle

2017…”shift gallery” | seattle art fair | seattle

2018…”laura king and craig van den bosch” | the gallery at town center | shoreline, wa.

2016…“collagemonauts graphic novel release” | urban light studios | seattle 

2015…”cross pollination” | shift gallery | seattle

2015…”SAM employee show” | seattle art museum | seattle

2014… “tall buildings” | urban light studios | seattle 

2014… “collagemonauts in action” | two birds tattoo | seattle

2014… “don’t lick the fine print” | trabant coffee and chai | seattle 

2014…”ex libris” | axis gallery | seattle

2013… “holiday road: a tribute to national lampoon” | urban light gallery | seattle

2013… “paper, scissor & glue” | cloud gallery | seattle

2013… W3AVE exhibition | bherd gallery | seattle

2013… “hot rods & honeys tasty” | seattle 

2013… “myths, fables & legends” | the piranha shop | seattle

2013…“twisted love” | art\not terminal | seattle

2013…“city arts art walk awards-finalist” | 1927 event space | seattle

2012… “cryogenic nude america” | twilight artist collective | west seattle

2012…“hot one inch action” | the piranha shop | seattle

2012…“eve of destruction” | nautilus gallery | seattle

2012…“collagemonauts” | twilight gallery | seattle

2012…“collective” | angle gallery | seattle

2012…“sheltered” | Greenwood Realty | seattle

2012…“point of departure” | collaboration with karin stevens dance | seattle                              

2012…“intrigue” | art\not terminal | seattle

2011…“big bang” | velocity dance center | seattle

2011…“point of departure” | mulit-media collaboration w/ karin stevens dance | seattle   

2011…ghost gallery | seattle

2011…“frampton comes alive” | elysian brewery capitol hill | seattle, washington

2010…“delight and destruction” | fremont abbey arts center | seattle, washington

2010…“24 hour art marathon” | coca | seattle, washington

2010…art prize | women’s city club | exhibition center venue | grand rapids, michigan

2010…“point of departure” | karin stevens dance group | seattle

2009…“pharmacoligist” | canoe | seattle, washington

2008…“splice” | emerson cultural center | bozeman, montana

2008…“95715″ | oklahoma state university | ada, oklahoma

2007…jesse wilbur gallery | bozeman, montana

2005…“oncology of a small mountain town” | waller – yoblonski gallery | bozeman, montana

2005…hatch film festival | bozeman, montana

2005…“nato” | emerson cultural center | bozeman, montana

2005…copeland gallery | bozeman, montana

2004…“neography” | rosalux gallery | minneapolis, minnesota

2004…butter gallery | st. paul, minnesota

2003…“ebon bosch” | black dog café | st. paul, minnesota

2002…“ache” | patrick’s cabaret | minneapolis, minnesota

2001…pro arts gallery | oakland, california

2001…fifth street photography | berkeley, california

2000…cell gallery | san francisco, california

2000…oakland museum collector’s gallery | oakland, California



Seattle University, Seattle, Washington

David Harrison | Harrison Art Services



2009-2012…fremont abbey arts center | artist in residence | seattle, washington



Zelman, J. (2018, July 6). Craig van den Bosch: Transmissions. Retrieved July 7, 2018, from

Kolaj Magazine #16 [July 2016] Journey to the Center of the Microverse From:


Lopez, Xavier [February 2, 2015] An Awesome Interview with Space Jesus, Thorak and the Space Doctor AKA The Collagemonauts! Seattle’s own Mindbending Collage All-Stars!, Seattle PI, From:


22 Magazine, NY, NY for collage,


Baltus, Leah [ January 21, 2013]. Art Walk Awards Finalists, City Arts From: Arts


Reiner, Claire [January 26, 2013] Art Walk Awards 2013, Vanguard Seattle, From:


[November 2012], Hot One Inch Action, From:

Willey, Omar [December 2012]. Things I Did Not Write About in 2012, Seattle Star, From:


Lindsay, Kirby [October 31, 2011], Johnson Architects Also Builds A Venue For Artists, The Fremocentrist, From:


Hua, Vivian [June 4, 2010]. Evan Blackwell, Todd Smith, Maron Resur, Craig van den Bosch @ Fremont’s First Friday Art Walk, redefine, From:


Chansanchai, A. [2010, June 4th]. Fremont Art Walk: Electric, Ice Cream, Expose Yourself.Fremont Universe. Retrieved from:


Lindsay, K. [2010, May 28th]. Art Created at the Abbey, On Display. The Fremocentrist. From:


Wheatley, A. [2010, June]. Craig van den Bosch Redefine. From:


Lindsay, K. (2010, March 12th). Dance and So Much More.The Fremocentrist. From:


Baker, J. (2010, March 19th). Karin Stevens Dance Fri. and Sat. at the Fremont Abbey. Sun Break, From:


Mikel, A. (2010, March 30th). Karin Stevens Premiers Second Season at Fremont Abbey. Seattlest. From:


Simon, S, (2008, April 13th). New Views of the Old West. Los Angeles Times. From:


Kopacz, K. (2004). April Featured Artist.Mental Contagion. From:


Spoto, C. (2002, August 28th). (Alias: Ebon Bosch) Stop the Press. City Pages. From:


Hanggi, K. (2002) Ache Magazine. (Alias: Ebon Bosch) Featured Artist.




Gordon, Marty and Manthey, Tim and van den Bosch, Craig. Journey to the Center of the Microverse. Seattle: Ka-Blam Printing, 2016. Graphic Novel.


Gordon, Marty and Manthey, Tim and van den Bosch, Craig. Those Fucking Dinosaurs. Seattle: Ka-Blam Printing, 2016. Graphic Novel.



2007…montana state university | MFA fine arts | bozeman 

1996…western michigan university | BA art education | kalamazoo

1993…muskegon community college | AA | muskegon, michigan 


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